
I'm glad to know you... ( other version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 29/01/2025

Hey, darling, when
the morning returns
and the transparent
light of a sun full
of joy is reaching the
river, it's a pleasure
to meet you; this
kind of felicity
is only that dream
so, little darling,
your typical smile
is a bird that escapes
through the land
of my darkness.

Francesco Sinibaldi

El sonido del amor. ( other version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 12/08/2024

En el canto de
la noche brilla la
luz del amor infinito
y en esta magia
cada cosa adquiere
un aspecto distinto,
con un tierno sonido
que dona el candor.
Pero esta mágica luz
es fuente de extremo
sufrimiento, como
la noche que viene
para morir donando
a la estrella el miedo

Francesco Sinibaldi

Breath of life. ( other version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 10/09/2023

Serenity appears
through the lights
of a beautiful
country while
everything shines
giving the gift of
the singing young
birds: that's the
portrait inspiring
the smile of children
who play...

Francesco Sinibaldi

Le souffle des pensées. ( other version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 11/04/2023

Je trouve dans
l'aube du matin
la douce atmosphère
d'une saison pleine
de grâce et alors,
quand le chant
de la neige revient
tendrement où l'eau
disparaît j'écoute,
en silence, la rime
des oiseaux...

Francesco Sinibaldi

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